"I believe life should be filled with exceptional moments and inspired actions. Meal planning shouldn't get in the way of spending time doing what you love."
- Shannon Bally

Meal Planning Made Easy

Whether you're a busy mama, your family's tired of takeout or you don't know what to with the leftovers from Sunday dinner, this class can help. Learn how to plan meals for an entire year with this mini course!

What We'll Learn

Simple, quick method for meal planning that doesn't take an entire afternoon from each week of your life. This method really works and you'll get so much time back, while still being on top of your meal planning game!

What You'll Get

After finishing the course you'll have the process to plan an entire year's worth of meals in under an hour. Tired of your current meal plan? Change it up with this easy to implement plan!

Where We'll Meet

Plan at your own pace with this online course catered just for the busy home managers. With Video or Audio only options for each lesson, you can learn (and plan) in the way that works best for you!

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My Story

Shannon Bally is a wife and mom of 4, Combat Veteran, host of two inspirational podcasts with over 15k downloads, and self proclaimed choice-holic. With a full time job and all the family obligations, her family still insisted on eating dinner every single night. Regularly in decision fatigue mode, the nightly "what's for dinner" conversation became unbearable, and she knew there needed to be a better way to meal planning than "on the fly". 

ENTER: Capsule Meal Planning!